21 February 2007

Philip-Morris, Where Are You When I Need You?

The video below is of Dr. Claudia Jensen. She advocates the use of marijuana as a better alternative to Ritalin for kids who have ADD and ADHD. It's fantastic and inspiring and i hope you enjoy it, but please let me rant a little first.

If you're asking yourself, "How could anyone justify giving weed to a kid?" please don't let that be a rhetorical question. Most of the lawmakers in this country seem to have a double standard for what kinds of drugs get utilized. We need to acknowledge the fact that many prescriptions drugs' side effects are worse than marijuana's and that abuse of prescription drugs is becoming just as prevalent as the abuse of any illegal drug. If we deem it safe for kids to take a drug whose long-term side effects include vision problems, skin rash, insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, weight loss, (if you're lucky) uneven heartbeats, light-headedness, and increased blood pressure (if you're not),* then it is reasonable that we could acknowledge and take advantage of the benefits of weed.

But law reformers have been making this same argument in favor of the legalization of weed for years; doesn't seem to work. Doesn't the government know how much money it could be making? And what about Philip-Morris? I heard a rumor in high school that, in anticipation for the eventual legalization, they made a design for Marlboro Greens, their first marijuana cigarette. Why aren't the big, evil tobacco companies using their lobbying power? I don't want them to make anymore money than they already have, but if they can help me get high on the up and up, i'd do a little soul-selling.

Anyway, enjoy the video.

*This information was found on drugs.com.


Anonymous said...

Hello StonerGrrrl.

My name is Kat and I have discovered your blog today. I don't usually comment on the blogs of people that I don't know, but I feel compelled to talk to you. I've back-read through January, and plan to read the rest when I have time. You remind me of myself, someone of at least moderate intelligence and interest in the world and where it is headed, who also happens to smoke pot. I am a strong believer in marijuana, for both medical and recreational use. I applaud you for speaking your mind about this issue, and other perhaps more important issues of our time. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. ~Smoke on~

StonedGrrrl said...

Hi, Kat. Thanks for your kind words. I look forward to your comments on the blog.

p.s. it's StonedGrrrl, not StonerGrrrl. people make that mistake all the time.

Anonymous said...

Hi there
Or should that be High there. I'm curretnly writing a book on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and have been doing a lot of research for this book. This is what brought me to your website. I'm going to send you the last chapter I've written. The duragotory slurs are meant to make a point and in no way do they represent myself as a bigot. I'M NOT!!! I'm still not sure if they will stay in the book.

Chapter 83
Okay, I changed my mind. As long as I’m writing this book about the suffering of people with RSD/CRPS and TSFH, (BTW TSFH is not a medical term, it's an an acromyn for,"This Sure Freakin Hurts")I’m going to throw some politics into it.

The history of pain management is mired in prejudice. Opium was at one time sold legally across the counter at any drugstore. Then there became a law outlawing the sale of “smoking opium”. Liquid opium, fine no problem, because only the gooks smoked opium. White people drank it. And the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 making marijuana illegal for all intents and purposes was passed since only niggers’ smoked marijuana. If invented today, salicylic acid would be a controlled substance. But too damn many white people use it now. They finally made the liquid form of opium illegal since the government caught wind that the chinks were using it.

And let’s discuss our current laws.

Since blackie likes to smoke his crack and can’t afford the crackers snorting kind of cocaine, let’s give the crack possession a higher rated felony, and a longer prison sentence. Hmm, possession of smoking opium and a type of smoking cocaine equals long jail time. Is there a pattern here or am I just paranoid.

Let’s see, what else can I come up with, since our government is spending too much time winning the “war on drugs” to see the harm this war is actually doing.

Oh yeah, hookers. Having unprotected sex, getting beaten up by their john’s, and murdered just so they can support a cocaine habit that, if it were legal, they could work at a minimum wage job and still feed themselves and their habit.

To be perfectly honest with you, I think the politicians are too afraid of the drug cartels to legalize cocaine and marijuana. Maybe we should ask Ted Kennedy. Nah, he’s probably drunk. But why spend so much of our resources and money and have our dollars going to other countries for something we can’t possibly stop? Politicians are afraid that they’ll be targets of hit men!!! Our politicians, the leaders of the most powerful country in the world are scared of some little South American and Afghanistan thugs? Can you think of any other reason?

Seriously, are you going to become an addict if cocaine were made legal? Or go down to the store to buy some Marlboro Greens? Except for health purposes. Of course not. (Actually Philip Morris has taken out copyrights on names in case marijuana ever becomes legal.)

Oh yeah, money might be a reason that our elected officials don’t make drug use legal, but I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories. That would never happen here!!!



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