31 March 2007

Earth Hour

I just received this today from our friends down under:

EARTH HOUR - 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Saturday March 31, 2007

Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do
something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will be
done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than through a
hundred 'talk-fests'. And you can help make it happen.

What is Earth Hour?

It sounds simple, but it is very, very dramatic. At 7.30pm on March 31st
2007, we will be encouraging companies, government departments,
individuals and families to turn off their lights for just one hour. If
we meet our objectives during the first Earth Hour, the savings in green
house gas emissions will be the equivalent of taking 75,000 medium sized
cars off the road for one whole year! Now that's something worth doing.


The facts are alarmingly clear:

* The climate is changing! The 10 hottest years on record have
occurred since 1990. In fact 2005 was the hottest year since record keeping

* More than 95% of the Great Barrier Reef will have been destroyed
by 2050 if carbon dioxide emissions aren't reduced. (WWF-International)
* One million species worldwide are facing extinction due to
climate change.

But not everybody listens to the facts. Earth Hour is your opportunity
to demonstrate how a simple change in our way of life could change, and
help save, our planet.

The goals of Earth Hour:

Households : Most of us use unnecessary electricity. Appliances on
old style light bulbs, lights left on when we're not using
them. Earth Hour will help us all to realise just how simply we can make
a dramatic impact upon global warming (and our own power bills). We will
see it in action.

Companies : We want companies to be involved. If every company turned off
its lights when the buildings weren't in use, and
combined it with energy saving technology, we would save between 2 and 4
million tonnes of greenhouse gasses every year. Earth Hour will show
companies just how easy that is.

To make it an annual event : Out of the 8,766 hours in a year, let's
give one back to the earth.

What you can do:

Sign up to Earth Hour and Pledge to turn off your lights on March 31st
from 7.30pm to 8.30pm by logging onto www.earthhour.org

You will receive all the information you need to make Earth Hour a great
success (and to cut your own energy bills in the long term). Pledging is

Get off standby : Turn off all the electronic equipment and appliances
in your home that are not being used or are on standby. Computers,
televisions, stereo equipment, phone chargers, DVD or video equipment.

Tell a friend : Spread the word about earth Hour by involving your
friends, family and workmates. Get them to pledge at earthhour.org and
most importantly, turn off the lights at 7.30pm
Saturday 31 March 2007.

Spread the word - Once you have signed up for Earth Hour tell a friend;
spread the word at work; tell your boss; mention it at school, at your
local sports club or society group, you can even run it past your

Make it an event. Get your family and friends to switch off their lights as
Take some binoculars and look at the stars; sit and talk by candlelight;
Explore your backyard
by torchlight;
Have fun with sparklers; or just do something non-electric as a
Have a picnic-at-dusk; pretend you are camping; or have a candlelight

For more info on Earth Hour, check out www.earthhour.org



This is happening in Syndey, but i think this should be mandatory for United States citizens once a week. In a word, our administration sees things otherwise. So let's show our governement that we are ready to take responsibilty for the mess we've made; maybe they'll follow our example.

30 March 2007

Go to Bed.

The sun comes up and i go to bed
What am i waiting for?
No - who am i waiting for?
I cry and i cry and i cry.
No - it's not true.
I wish and i wish and i wish i could cry.
You must miss me terribly. Look closer, not harder.

29 March 2007


My days have been filled with ennui and distress, joy and laughter, as usual. Here are some things that have happened:

  • I saw Wally Shawn speak at the Stella Adler Conservatory of Acting. He told the students not to get a real job. He told them that it was possible to act for the rest of their lives, but they might have to put up with meager financial circumstances and perhaps have to live in crowded conditions, cold conditions or even "smelly conditions."
  • I saw David Nichtern speak at the Interdependence Project. He told us that we were all doing all right. Not in so many words.
  • I saw a hooker at the corner of 25th and 3rd in Brooklyn. This surprised me because i've never seen a pro there before 10pm. Turns out she was a cop. The guy she was soliciting got taken in. Her "pimp" pulled the not-john out of the car and his own badge out of his shirt. Very COPS.
  • My favorite dealer got "lassoed," to employ the term his wife used when she called me to let me know why he had flaked on me the night before.
  • I got the wind knocked out of my sails with my last cold. Now, i have to row.
I'm going to be shaking my ass at the bootie party at Element tomorrow night. I recognize the ew factor of the club, but DJ Party Ben's mission in life is to get people dancing. Come be a part.

23 March 2007


My energy is leaking out of my fingers and toes. I miss you guys.

10 March 2007

Turn Your Clocks Ahead.

I found this flyer in a yoga studio:

Endless War:
A Memorial

How can you ask another person to be the last one to die for a lie?


Times Square Recruitment Center
Broadway and 44th Street

At dawn on Sunday, March 11th, 2007, as we approach the fifth [Ed.: fuck.] year of the Invasion of Iraq, people of conscience will begin reading all the documented names of the war dead, both civilian and military. We will continue reading from sunrise to sunset through Friday, March 16th, 2007.

We invite you to join us to read for a period of time, to bear witness to this tragedy and suffering. Be part of a growing resistance movement demanding an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq and saying "NO" to an arrack on Iran.

To add your name to the list of participants and schedule a time to read, contact endlesswarmemorial@gmail.com or call 212-533-2125 and please leave a telephone number where you can be reached.


If you're in NYC, i would highly recommend participating or at least as they write above, bearing witness. I would recommend it for those both in favor of and against the invasion of Iraq. For each name read, there is a family missing a son or daughter, a wife or a husband. If you're in favor of this war we're fighting, then have the balls to clearly see what it's costing us to protect our freedom. If you're not, then take the reading of these names as inspiration for creating peace. Remember, the best way to win the terror is to stop being afraid: stop being afraid that you won't be heard; stop being afraid that there is nothing that can change our country's direction; stop being afraid that what you do doesn't matter. You will be; there is; and it does.

This Is Just to Say.

This is just to say that i am feeling pretty good.
I used to be afraid of jinxing myself, but now i admit
that i have a little more control than that.

I hope that you are all well and that you spend your weekend doing something you enjoy.


p.s. Happy birthday, Osama bin Laden. You, too, Neneh Cherry and Jasmine Guy. Best wishes, Chuck Norris and Timbaland.

07 March 2007

Tampons, Tampons, Tampons!

From the site Tampontification:

Women’s shelters in the U.S. go through thousands of tampons and pads monthly, and, while agencies generally assist with everyday necessities such as toilet paper, diapers, and clothing, this most basic need is often overlooked. You and I may take our monthly trips down the feminine care aisle for granted, but, for women in shelters, a box of tampons is five dollars they can’t spare. Here’s some good news: you can help us contribute to rectifying this situation by making a virtual! For each virtual donation, Seventh Generation will send a pack of organic cotton tampons or chlorine-free pads to a shelter in your state.

All you have to do is visit the web site and click through this cute little game. And some woman has a little bit less to worry about each month.
I think this is important.

05 March 2007

That Whole Daffodil Situation

That whole daffodil situation was disturbing and distressing. The volume, the sharpness, the dirtiness, the squishiness of the lugey he was hocking. My disgust over his public display of phlegm. My disgust over my judgment. My compassion for someone who sleeps outside during a blizzard. You can't get rid of a chest cold if you sleep outside in weather this cold and wet. My surprise seeing that his grocery cart was not a grocery cart, rather a handtruck carrying a dozen snow-sprinkled daffodils. Poor cold freezing flowers wheeled around by the poor cold freezing man. He sees me pouting over the flowers and says, "Do you wanna buy a plant?" I say no, but approach and get that flutter in my belly that asks, "Are you sure you wanna do this?" every time i decide to stretch past my shyness and talk to another human being i do not know. "I was just thinking how cold they must be with the snow." They? He said, "Yeah, i don't know what i was thinking." He shakes his head at his decision. He reminds me of The Old Man from The Old Man and The Sea. "I think they'll be okay, though. Just cold."

"Yeah," i say, rubbing a snowy petal in between my fingers and thinking that one of us must not know very much about horticulture.

"Can you help me out? $5?" I want to help him and what's more i have the cash on me. And what's more i want a daffodil plant all of a sudden. But Paul is picking me up in his new car and Jerzy is gonna be there and sometimes he's kind of hard-hearted. I'd be ashamed to show him that i had bought a cold dead plant from some cold dying man, as if that would actually help. "They're daffodils," he tells me. "I know," i say. Jerzy calls me from the car. "They're beautiful. I'm sorry."

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