Endless War:
A Memorial
How can you ask another person to be the last one to die for a lie?
Times Square Recruitment Center
Broadway and 44th Street
At dawn on Sunday, March 11th, 2007, as we approach the fifth [Ed.: fuck.] year of the Invasion of Iraq, people of conscience will begin reading all the documented names of the war dead, both civilian and military. We will continue reading from sunrise to sunset through Friday, March 16th, 2007.
We invite you to join us to read for a period of time, to bear witness to this tragedy and suffering. Be part of a growing resistance movement demanding an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq and saying "NO" to an arrack on Iran.
To add your name to the list of participants and schedule a time to read, contact endlesswarmemorial@gmail.com or call 212-533-2125 and please leave a telephone number where you can be reached.
A Memorial
How can you ask another person to be the last one to die for a lie?
Times Square Recruitment Center
Broadway and 44th Street
At dawn on Sunday, March 11th, 2007, as we approach the fifth [Ed.: fuck.] year of the Invasion of Iraq, people of conscience will begin reading all the documented names of the war dead, both civilian and military. We will continue reading from sunrise to sunset through Friday, March 16th, 2007.
We invite you to join us to read for a period of time, to bear witness to this tragedy and suffering. Be part of a growing resistance movement demanding an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq and saying "NO" to an arrack on Iran.
To add your name to the list of participants and schedule a time to read, contact endlesswarmemorial@gmail.com or call 212-533-2125 and please leave a telephone number where you can be reached.
If you're in NYC, i would highly recommend participating or at least as they write above, bearing witness. I would recommend it for those both in favor of and against the invasion of Iraq. For each name read, there is a family missing a son or daughter, a wife or a husband. If you're in favor of this war we're fighting, then have the balls to clearly see what it's costing us to protect our freedom. If you're not, then take the reading of these names as inspiration for creating peace. Remember, the best way to win the terror is to stop being afraid: stop being afraid that you won't be heard; stop being afraid that there is nothing that can change our country's direction; stop being afraid that what you do doesn't matter. You will be; there is; and it does.
I am not scared, we should get out as soon as we can, remember though, the ones that died...in there hearts and minds they died for something, they put their lives on the line for us..and those still there are performing a mission our nations leaders sent them to do..and they continue to do it bravely and patriotically..When we leave Iraq can we also hope and pray that there struggle leaves a better Iraq behind.
Prayers are with all those that have died and those still living and fighting for freedom in Iraq
Thanks for your comment, tom. It's brought up many questions for me. Has every soldier who died fighting this war believe he was giving his life for "something?" And those leaders who so readily send our military men and women off to fight, have they been welcoming our troops home in the fashion they deserve?. And by whose standards we will deem Iraq to be "better" or not?
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