08 November 2006

DrunkGrrrl (sorry for the typos.)

So as you all know, i'm StonedGrrrl, not DrunkGrrrl. My friend, Bev, has been going through some pretty fucked up and lame shit lately and her DOC is alcohol. Thus, i've been drinking more. I mean, who wants to drink alone? Drinking with her, going out to bars has really made me question the validity of marijuana prohibition. It's Tuesday night and there were plenty of folks at the Westside Tavern getting fucked up. It's a school night for Christ's sake. I'm fucked up because i was trying to keep up with Bev and because this bald, overweight, but probably nice guy kept buying us drinks. If he had been buying us bong hits instead of shots, i doubt i'd have such a hard time hitting the right letters on my keyboard. I know this point has been argued to death, but alcohol causes more trouble than weed. So why can i get arrested for being high and why am i given a free pass for being drunk?

I think everything should be legal and i think each person should develop his or her own moral compass. Each action i take has its consequences. I shouldn't be deter from performing an action because i'm scared i'll get caught. I should be deterred from performing an action because i'm aware of how the results will affect me and those around me. Have you guys read The Dispossessed? Ursula K. LeGuin explains it better than even my sober self could. Basically, she describes a society in which people understand that the laws of karma are greater than the laws of man. No one gets away with anything.

Ugh. Even when i get too stoned, i still feel ok. Right now, i'm too drunk and i feel like crap.

I'm a good drunk, though. Bev usually is, too, but she was dating a really fantastic, like man of her dreams type and he ended up being married to another woman. I think she's sadder than she realizes. And angrier. She kept slapping me in a "playful" way, but that shit hurt. In vino veritas, as they say. Fucking bored married men.

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