So this is exciting. People are reading and some are posting comments. A couple of you have asked very provocative questions and i think that's great. More on those specific questions later.
I think i'm going to begin to broken record this to death, but i encourage to post comments. I know that she's a newborn, but this blog is largely going to be shaped by the people who read it. The questions you ask, the subjects you broach, the jokes you make are all going to help me steer this blog into a positive, unique direction, instead of into the deep, dark abyss of the blogosphere. But remember, be good boys and girls. It's only weed.
An anonymous poster asked me why i smoke pot. I suppose at this point i'm addicted, which is fine. I'm not trying to belittle addiction at all, but every single person is addicted to something or someone. We all have something we need to get rid of, but instead tie to our backs like we were strapping a canoe onto a station wagon. Trying to pretend as if there's a hierarchy for addiction is only going to reinforce the idea that certain kinds of people are addicts. You, me, and everyone we know. And as far as what i'm carrying on my back, i think i'm ok with what i got this time ‘round.
So what is it that i think i need that only pot can give me? Perspective. In a journal entry, April 2005, written with my left hand, i debate "whether weed fools me into thinking that everything is going to be ok or if, in fact, everything is going to be ok, and weed helps me see that more clearly." Thus far, everything has been ok. Scary things happen and i seem to survive them. We all do; or else we don’t, but that’s life. Like Siddhartha was to discover, life is suffering.
One of my teachers recently told us that suffering was an extreme translation and that the Buddha meant something more like, "life is chafing." It's awkward. It's uncomfortable. There is, of course, terrible suffering, but even when things are going well, there's often a weight hanging in the air. The weight of knowing that things can't stay gold forever.
Weed seems to help me have perspective about my own suffering. Of course, that perspective can be a little bit off. There are plenty of things that i worry about needlessly and weed often helps me let those things go. But then again, there are things that i should be concerned with and weed sometimes relaxes me to the point of laziness. I've been smoking long enough that i can see when it's happening and manage to get my ass in gear. Most of the time.
I think New York is the best city to have a good, hopefully not-so-paranoid stone on. I can see the dirty beauty of Brooklyn so sharply when i walk around my neighborhood, buzzed and smiling. A summer night, walking around the park, stoned: it makes me feel infinite.
And that is why i smoke weed: an essay by StonedGrrrl.
My answer will be different next week. I'll let you know when i think of more reasons. How about you guys? Why do you smoke? (In my effort to make commenting as easy as possible, questions that i want specific feedback on will be in bold. This doesn't mean that you have to answer those questions. But if anyone out there wants to participate and is feeling a little shy, i wanna be able to give a little guidance and structure)
That's all for now, kiddies. Tune in tomorrow when we find out if, in the words of one commenter, i am a "committed" stoner or not.
Interesting blog! You're right, a Brooklyn high can be quite surreal indeed. Not that I know, of course.. a friend told me that.. yeah a friend.
I hope you stick with it and keep blogging. The blogging community needs more "controversial" blogs like this one.
Stop by sometime between puffs!
I don't smoke myself but I share a house with someone that does so I have got stoned through passive smoking in the past. I have smoked weed myself and it is really easily available here (Holland) but for some reason I have never gotten into smoking it regularly.
Hey Stoned Grrrl,
I'm in Kansas City and I love your blog. I smoke because I like to, plain and simple. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. The only down side that I find is that it does make you lazy. I'm a big fan of the psychedelics because of the conscience expantion that they offer, but most of them are too powerful for any kind of frequent use. Acid, mescaline and DMT are all just too much. Of those three, I've only done acid and I have found that there is too much potential for serious mental damage. Ecstacy is great, but the the toll that it takes on your body is just not worth it, also you don't really get any kind of enlightenment with x. No real mind expansion. I love mushrooms, but they are expensive and hard to find. Also, after I take boomers, I always feel depressed for about a week after. Must be depleated seretonin. Lately, I've been experimenting with morning glory seeds using the extraction methon found on These are turnning out to be a great time. They fall between ecstacy and mushrooms in terms of strength.
But pot gives you the perfect amount of psychedlia to make the day interesting without the dangers associated with the harder psychedelics.
I guess I kind of rambled on. Sorry. What do you expect from a 15 year veteran stonner.
Be cool Stoner Grrrl
Cocked in KC
I smoke to bring out the less granduer or normal things and like highlight all those little details that make the entire world awesome.
Hey, i found this blog off of GC, i live in brooklyn too, and i completely agree. Considering how vibrant this city already is, one of the few things that can really bring out its life and beauty anymore is a nice buzz. Ive enjoyed running up to the roof for a quiet little J session with some friends recently, and the view gets better everytime.
In a post you should mention what neighborhood you live in, im in prospect heights myself. Prospect park is a blessing I must say.
i like the blog so far, much more than most of the mindless stoner blabbing on the internet. good luck!
I tend to notice little things most people don't, and see things in ways most would never have thought of. weed just enhances those skills. I also tend to look at things through a philisophical point of view and I worry alot about things that are wrong in the world.
I wish, hope, and try to make things better in this world but I almost right after realize it's almost impossible to make these changes. smoking relaxes me and makes me forget about all the trials and troubles.
I smoke because it keeps me interested in life and what's going on. I live in inwood, in manhattan, and I love being stoned and just watching what's going on, watching the people go by. I was never much into sightseeing until I went to Amsterdam this summer and walked around the city stoned all the time. Suddenly, I started noticing little things about the city that never would have interested me before: flowers, architecture, people. Needless to say, I totally fell in love with the city, and not only because pot is legal.
If you smoke pot just say "hell yeah!" "Smoke hell yeah" Im in Austin,TX and I have to admit I smoke 5 to 10 times a day. I love it and will never stop! Weed is my friend. I don't understand why people think its so bad. Alchohol kills people everyday. I think it should be illegal and pot should be legal. You never hear any thing about weed killing anyone. Us stoners just want to fucking go to McDonalds, watch tv, sit back and smoke a blunt. Whats the harm in that. I just found out the other day that the government has an illegal drug stamp. It intitles that all illegal packages need to have an offical stamp on it. If you get caught with a sack and theres not a stamp that could be another charge held against you. SO what are you going to do go to the post office and say "Hey I need a roll of the illegal stamps please" Whateva!!!!! The government is so stupid. Im tired of going to jail over marijuana and paying all these damn fines just for possesing a natural growing plant that was put on this earth for a reason.To smoke! Its a plant for crying out loud, how stupid is that. If i want to use drugs thats my choice, its my body, my life. Who is anyone else to tell me that Im wrong in my decisions. But enough of this government bullshit it makes me angry. I need to go take a smoke break. Thanks for listening and if anyone wants to email me my address is
Looking forward to hearing from ya!
hey stoned grrrl,
so i just stumbled upon this blog after seeing your post on craigslist. (coincidentally, i had posted requesting advice about smoking in the city, then did a search for "420" and came upon your post).
i love the blog, i can see a lot of my own thoughts/habits reflected here - especially in this particular post. since graduating and moving to the city, i've become a much more regular smoker, and it's really increased my enjoyment of the city. my morning commute on the subway from brooklyn is filled with all sorts of epiphanies about myself and the universe, not to mention some amazing people-watching. and this city just has so so much that is enhanced by smoking -- parks, little downtown streets, crazy random cultural events of all sorts, etc etc etc.
the city is beautiful and complex and amazing, and weed helps me see and appreciate every facet of it.
i'd love to read more about your experiences with smoking in the city. any particular stories/adventures/experiences that stand out? any random fun things you did/discovered?
but i also know what you mean about questioning "whether weed fools me into thinking that everything is going to be ok or if, in fact, everything is going to be ok, and weed helps me see that more clearly." sometimes i worry about that one, at the very least in terms of the laziness/complacentness it produces. for example, my current job sucks and i know it, but it's also super laid-back, and it's just so easy to *not* do anything to change the situation...
anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the new blog discovery. here's wishing you more good stoned city times :)
ps: for further coincidence -- i just finished reading "Siddhartha" on the train this afternoon :)
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