12 October 2006

A Contest!!! Yea!!!

The Grand Opening of my blog is a perfect time to have a contest. Though at this stage of the game, i worry that no one will enter and i'll end up looking like a loser. I shan't let the worry stop me. I blog on in the hope that the combination of time, perseverence and good writing will make this blog a successful one. What does successful mean when it comes to blogs anyway? Whatever.

I mentioned in my second post that i dislike the term "stoner." I like being "stoned," but "stoner" makes me feel like i should have long, greasy hair hidden under a baseball cap turned backwards and hang out at the mall when i should be in PE. My apologies if any of you are wearing backwards-facing baseball caps over untamed hair with plans to skip class and hang out at Briarwood Mall tomorrow. But if you don't have any by now, you must begin to develop some self-awareness to realize that you are what people mean when they say, "Stoner."

I may take this back later, but i think perhaps one of the reasons i wanted to start this blog is because i and so many of my friends defy the stoner stereotype. I want to show the many faces of weed-smokers, from the tried and true stoner stereotype to your mother's best friend who still gets high on the weekends.

I'm leaving it up to you to come up with a new term for "stoner," one that more accurately labels who you are, who we all might be, when it comes to our relationship to weed. Send me your ideas for a term that replaces and elevates the term and connotation of "stoner." Enter as many times as you want. I'll choose the one i like the best. As a thank-you, i'll buy you one $10 item (I'll throw in for shipping and handling, but s&h shouldn't cost more than the price of the item itself.) from your Amazon Wish List. I promise. I really will. Let's say the contest starts whenever i get the first entry and ends on November 15th. The winner will be announced on November 20th and said winner will be compensated by November 27th.

Remember, though, whatever label we come up with, it’s just a label.

One more thing before i call it a night. As i went about my business this afternoon on the lovely isle of Manhattan, i spied a cute boy with whom i wanted to make eye contact. Alas, he was looking at the ground. Alack, as i passed him, i stepped in dog shit.

Dog Owners, please clean up after your dogs.

Cute Boys, please look up so i can meet your gaze.

Love to all.



Sean said...

hows about "BUDdie"

It's a play on "buddy," get it?

Anonymous said...


For those that like to smoke and eat. Or 'wake and bake'.

dawn m. said...

ok i just gotta say i really love Baker. especially for those of whose relationships with food and pot are intricately intertwined.

Some Dude said...

I guess I've always been fine with the term "stoner". But to pick another for your contest..

maybe "cosmonaut"? "green-fiend"? "kite-head"?

Check out Memoirs of a Stoner, and keep up the great writing!


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