11 October 2006

I Have a Fear of Commitment.

An anonymous commenter had some kind words to throw my way and at the end of his post, he wrote that a "true true true stoner would NEVER be without." He wonders about my commitment to stonerdom.

I fall into the category of those who smoke several times a day. By the time my stash is dwindling, i usually feel like i’ve oversmoked and want to take a couple days off before i smoke again. That first puff after a break seems to approach nirvana. And then, about once a year, i quit for several weeks. The first puff after that long is disorienting, but i manage to get the hang of it.

Speaking of nirvana, this idea that there can be a true stoner and therefore, a false stoner, reminds me of junior high. Nirvana was pushing through to mainstream music. If you had been listening to them before the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video came out, you were really committed to alternative music and therefore, cool. If you had Nevermind memorized in its entirety, not just the singles, you were really committed to alternative music, and therefore cool. If you wore combat boots (especially if you were a girl), you were really committed to alternative music, and therefore, you were really cool. Pity the fool who said he was into Pearljam, but didn't know the song "Garden." Upon such a one was bestowed the dreaded, impossible-to live-down title:


I used the word "therefore" a lot in that paragraph.

I welcome all levels of commitment in this space. I think people who smoke several times a day and those who toke every now and again have something to say and probably, something to learn from one another. If you're reading a blog about weed and especially if you're commenting on it, i gotta believe that you have a strong interest in the subject. And, like with music, this is a question of taste. The stoner who smokes several times a day can't understand how someone can like weed, but only smoke it a couple times a month. The occasional smoker can't understand how i can wake-and-bake like other people drink coffee.

We only have the totality of our own experience. So if being committed to weed is important to you, then by all means, make clear what that commitment is and follow those parameters. Let’s each of us express our commitment in our own way. In regards to all things. Not just weed.

I love that you're reading and posting. Tell your friends... and your enemies. Maybe weed will bring you together.

much love.


Anonymous said...

Right on Stoner Grrrl, the one who posts about being a true stoner, 99% of the time is an actual poser, because lets face it, we have better things to do in life than classify eachother and our habits or lack there of of smoking. Personally im a night smoker. I usually smoke in the afternoon, than the evening/night. School in the morning makes it hard to smoke through out the whole day, but i garauntee you I spend less time sober than high. If someone wants to say im not a "true" stoner, then go for it, but we should all remember, that stoner, is really not a nice term, we just turned it into one, like rap stars use nigga.

Also, in reply to why I smoke.. Well im not so sure, i guess it goes hand in hand with camraderie, thats why i really commited,because I met people that i really enjoyed being around, who happened to smoke pot, and it has grown ever since. rock on, stay high, keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it always kind of awkward when complete strangers compare themselves to you? Makes you wonder, 'what is this person going on about? They don't know me. We have never met, and I am not LIKE anyone else!' Great, well now that we've got that out of the way… you remind me of myself StonedGrrrl. Or rather, your insightful and entertaining rambles remind me of what my own may sound like, if I ever disciplined myself enough to actually write them down. Also, thank you for making your writings easy to read and understand… that is to say, the lack of sentences like such: 'yo dis weekend was da bomb hey, got all wasted up and dissed some hoes', was refreshing, and has become almost uncommon among the 'stoner' forums I frequent.
Love to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with what Em said, that I think your ramblings are very much like mine would be if I ever did write them down. And the whole idea of a "true" stoner is so pathetic. I remember when I used to smoke a couple times a week, I considered myself a stoner because I loved weed and some guy told me that I just didn't smoke enough to be a real stoner. So now I smoke multiple times a day, but I don't feel any more like a "true stoner" than I did before. I loved weed then and I love it now. The only problem is I don't get as high as I used to!!

StonedGrrrl said...

I'm grateful for your readership and your postership, guys. i hope we hear from the poster who brought up this question. i have the feeling his comment was meant to be a lot more innocuous and less judgemental than we're taking it to be. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, at least.



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