08 October 2006


I'm not stoned right now. I am fucking tired and i have a headache, though, so perhaps my fatigued/pained writing style will emulate my stoned writing style.

I'm waiting for my man. The Ex is coming over to take pictures of the kitty i rescued two weeks ago. Anybody want a kitty? I'll upload a photo in the next post.

I don't have a lot to say about weed at the moment. Usually, at this moment, when i am out of weed and am waiting for the arrival of replenishment, my knuckles are a lot whiter. I think my headache is precluding anxiety. More after the puff.


Anonymous said...

cool that someone is talking about this,gr8 job.I`ll stay tuned.

StonedGrrrl said...

thanks for the kind words. please spread the word as you see fit.

Anonymous said...

waiting for more. Why do you do it? I think a lot of "stoners" use it as a way to calm their minds(?). I can relate to that.

Anonymous said...

I love that you thought of this and I really enjoyed every word. You see, I too, amd a stoner. I am sure I make you look like, oh I dunno, Tom Cruise? I n my wide circle, I am famous for it. But I function VERY well, excel, in fact. I do notice I have kind of taken to commas, though. Too bad you have it delivered. Part of the FUN for me is in the going to get it. And I am wondering how commiteed you actually are. Why, you ask? Because, any true true true true stoner....would NEVER be without. I haven't in 20 somethin' years. Ever. No, really.


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