13 December 2006

I Miss You.

OK. I know that things have been tough and that for a while there it seemed as if i was never coming back to you. But i did come back, so won't you forgive me and let me know that you're still out there? I know that you're reading my blog; i have a hit counter and everything. Why so quiet? Am i not the StonedGrrrl you once thought i was? Have i gotten boring? Tell me what i can do to make things right between us again. If i could, i'd invite all of you over to smoke the biggest joint i've ever rolled. We'd laugh and watch "The Simpsons" and make nachos and talk about quantum physics and Paris Hilton. And we'd watch this over and over again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still here! I missed you there for awhile! But I'm definitely still checking, but I guess you already knew that. Keep writing, it makes me happy. I hate that you're so right about the difference in ways of life when you stop smoking for a little while. Suddenly I don't need 3 naps a day! But for some reason, I keep coming back for more. What is it about pot that's just so good?


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